miercuri, ianuarie 31, 2007


Copy: Every city is a mountain.

m-am gandit la inelul nibelungilor. probabil din cauza scenei de lupta dintre falsul pretendent si regina de gheata.


cei 15000 de specialisti reloaded

Copy: Specialized Chevrolet repair shop.

Agency: Sancho BBDO
Creative Director: Andrea Diaz
Art director: Oscar Bejarano
Copywriter: Eduardo Angel


evil bunnies

Copy: Built in red eye fix

the bunnies do not have red eyes any more.


if only

Creative Agency: Brandcom

Creative Director: Manoj Ammanath

Copywriter: Manoj Ammanath

cica in curand fumatorii nu o sa mai poata fuma nici la ei acasa - nu fortati de nevasta, ci de lege. traiasca dictatura democrata!

Etichete: ,

tea partay

hilarious. Smirnoff viral old money and rich guys acting ghetto:

Ce spune un melc asezat pe spatele unei broaste testoase?
again hilarious.


confide in me

ma scoate din sarite ca asta e o parte a imaginii femeilor. share your secret alaturi de alte persoane strong and intelligent just like you. prin urmare ai o sedinta de terapie - sau ma rog prima sedinta ca doar apuci sa povestesti nu si sa analizezi ce simti - si cu siguranta te va asculta cineva si iti va admira curajul. hai, pa ca n-am loc! barbatii nu au secrete?


in fata la mac


is this invasive? chiar daca, macar e invazia unor creaturi inteligente.
in curand o sa vad compactul cu altceva decat tipa cocotata pe bara de metrou care se intreaba cum altfel sa faca un ban.

via adpunch .



Agency: The Johnson Group
Creative Director: Roger Vaughn
Art Director: Chris Jones



What Your Dreams Mean...

Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious.

You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep.

Overall, you are very content in your life.

You tend to be a very productive thinker.

Your dreams indicate that you have very conflicted feelings.

What Do Your Dreams Mean?

pentru ca frica nu poate fi invinsa decat de groaza copilul fierbe in continuare in mamaliga.

You Communicate With Your Ears
You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod.

How do you communicate?


marți, ianuarie 30, 2007

vida urgente

Copy: There are better things to hit on in the evening. Don´t drink and drive.

Agency: Novacentro
Copy: Marcelo Firpo
Art Director: Joao Pedro Correa, Fernando Hans
via adverbox

Etichete: ,

your winning lottery ticket

Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Executive Creative Directors: Tham Khai Meng/Jed Donohoe
Copywriter: Kelly Putter
Art Director: Ashidiq Ghazali

via adsoftheworld.


movie theatre

Agency: Flea Communication
Creative Directors: Sachin Bavkar, Sunil Shibad
Art director: Sachin Bavkar
Copywriter: Sunil Shibad


eurostar travel

Agency: Leg
Creative Director: Gabriel Gaultier
Art Director: Stéphane Richard
Copywriter: Jean-Christophe Royer
comentariu: "Mai multi spermatozoizi inotau. La un moment dat liderul se intoarce si zice: Fratilor cred ca am fost dati in gat!!!" adica au fost mancati cu ou, nu? (blink, blink)


dialectica permanentei sau cat de permanent e permanent

Copy: Permanent. Even in your next life.

Agency: TBWA\Frederick
Creative Director: Miguel Angel Barahona
Art director: Gabriel Gomez
Copywriter: Cristian Lopez
so you died, gone to hell and came back as a frog (will not discuss the karma issue). you still have the name and number of that cute chick you met in the saints club. riiight. and when you, as a snake, shed your skin, what happens?


get dirty

Copy: It takes more time to generate a stain than to remove it.

Agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
Creative Director: Gaston Bigio
Head of Art: Jonathan Gurvit
Art Director: Gabriel Huici
Copywriter: Jorge Ponce Betti

lumea s-a intors cu fundul in sus si iata, e mai usor sa construiesti decat sa darami. ca in filme.


la vanguardia newspaper

Copy: Official newspaper of the ATP Open Barcelona Conde de Godó.

Agency: CIA Comunicación
Creative Director: Juan Pablo Caja
Art directors: Alfonso Palomo, David Arés
Copywriter: Ramon Pardina
via adsoftheworld.


been there, done that

despre copy nu se spune nic, da? because he does his job.
via curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back .



A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said: "Let's talk. I've heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, "What would you like to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know", said the stranger. "How about nuclear power?"

"OK". she said. "That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat grass, the same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty and the horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?"

The stranger thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea."

"Then, do you feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit?"
traduc texte pentru site-uri de prieteni - in campul muncii. ma doare in continuare capul - ala de pe umeri. azi constat ca am tendinte distructive. adica in momentul in care esti in supermarket si iti iei un pachet de guma nu te intrebi ce s-ar intampla daca i-ai da un picior? sau da? imi vine sa dau cu picioarele in usi, sa sparg farfurii - cum faceam acasa (mai e si acum o urma in bucataria de vara deasupra faiantei; farfuriile se izbeau de perete si cadeau in bucati in cosul de gunoi - un exemplu perfect de furie controlata), sa mormai tot felul de rautati justificate la adresa celor din jur.
ma rog ma irita o constatare neplacuta. mai cunosc cate un copy pe ici pe colo si am onoarea de a constata ca semanam intre noi. adica in ciudatenia noastra chiar semanam. brrrrr... anumiti oameni - aia despre care crezi ca sunt cu nasul pe sus dar sunt in fapt prea shy ca sa se bage in seama sau la extrema opusa oamenii nesuferiti care se baga in sufletul tau fara sa iti dai seama - trag la meseria asta bratara de aur. aiurea saptamana.
cred ca sunt asa cu curul in sus pentru ca inca se mai fac modificari la un proiect pe care eu l-am dat deja de ceva vreme - peste capul meu evident se fac modificarile. daca fiecare proiect e un copil pe care il cresti am impresia ca acest copil - proiectul in cauza - o sa se nasca la sapte luni cu deficiente mentale. si uite asa se umplu strazile de publicitate nerecunoscuta.


luni, ianuarie 29, 2007


ugly, bad, long, cold day - no particular reason. left work early, crawled in bed with a cup of cappuccino and chocolate cookies. listening to favorite songs will make it better.

da, stiu, una dupa ceafa si m-am trezit.

au fost ever piratii suspectati de a fi gay? nu e chiar nici un film care sa trateze subiectul? amazing!!

Etichete: ,

sony memory

via cannes2007 .


learn English

Copy: Hasta la vista, baby.

Copy: Any of you pricks move and I'll shoot every motherfucking last one of ya.

Copy: May the force be with you.
via cannes2007 .


zoo calling

Copy: If you thought of computers, maybe it's time to..

Copy: If you thought of television, maybe it' time to....

Copy: If you thought of football, maybe it's time to...


cai putere

Copy: Just 5.9 kilograms per horsepower.


a car that does the trick

Product: Focus ST
Agency: Ogilvy London
Executive Creative Director: Malcolm Poynton
Creative Director: Greg Burke/Andy Dibb
Art Director: Adam Staples/Paul Miles
Copywriter: Paul Miles/ Adam Staples


bere beata

Copy: The beer drunk most on Haloween.

pentru ca pensulele cu varf din par de camila sunt facute din blana de veverita.


cute and pointless

Copy: KLM Airlines

Copy: Together we can eliminate HIV.


positive vs. negative

Copy: Bronze bodies tanning center

Agency: JWT Shanghai


please, send me to hell. this one.

Copy: Hell. Golf.


black snow

Copy: Winter Tires from '89. GM. Goodwrench Tires.

Agency: MacLaren McCann, Calgary
Creative Director: Mike Meadus
Art directors: Brad Connell, Kelsey Horne
Copywriters: Kelsey Horne, Brad Connell
Photographer: Ken Woo
pana si ei au inteles. in lipsa de zapada e buna si o ninsare de tires.


the malboro frie

Copy: Come to Burger King Country.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: The sight of beef may result in rumbling stomachs.

Copy: Come to Burger King Country. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Visiting a Burger King may leave behind noticeable tracks.

Copy: Come to Burger King Country.

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: The smeel of Burger King french fries causes everyone around you become hungry.

Agency: .start

Creative Director: Marco Mehrwald

Copywriter: Bernd Nagenrauft

Art Director: Gesine Schmidt

nu stiu altii cum sunt dar eu m-am gandit imediat la tipa care isi taie parul de sub brat cu cutitul. de ce oare o asociere mancare - tigari e special cautata?


idul fitri

Copy: Together we welcome the day of victory. Happy Idul Fitri 1427 H.

Agency: OgilvyOne Worldwide
Executive Creative Director: Rajesh Menon
Art Directors: Yohanes Sumera, Priangga Amalo
Copywriter: Aria Wahyu
Digital Imaging: Wishing Well

you need to find out what Idul Fitri is to get it.



fara nici o legatura cu evenimente recente. just a belief:

the wheel is spinning. ce victorie, ce succes, ce reusita, ce mareata stare de bine!

Etichete: ,

duminică, ianuarie 28, 2007


din motive obiective am sa incep sa notez filmele pe care le-am vazut deja:

**Hard Candy
***Stranger than fiction
*Inelul nibelungilor
Queen of the damned
***little miss sunshine - just do what you love and fuck everyone else
Never been kissed - crap, bullshit and shit at the same time
***thank you for smoking
*someone like you
*the holiday
*sarutul dulce al daliei
***SLC Punk
*legend of earthsea
*american history x
*green street hooligans
*lost and delirious
*night at the museum - if i were ben stiller i would not put this one on my cv
*ame agaro (dupa ploaie)
*american history x
*the best man 2006
*wisegirls 2006
*step up
*the baxter
*the benchwarmers
*Stealing beauty
* je vous trouve tres beau
deja vu
visul lui liviu
take the lead
the remains of the day
the last king of scotland
never ending story
the conformist
10 minutes older
lord of the flies
cutitul in apa
a fost sau n-a fost
the cube (toate)
*je suis timide ... mais je me soigne


do your own adventure with Sue Teller

this can't be real. no way in hell.

via felipov


draga zana maseluta,

aceasta scrisoare iti este adresata. mos nicolae, mos craciun si pr care se ocupa de ziua copilului sa nu se simta cumva ignorati. de ziua mea asta vreau cadou. pana atunci, va pup cu drag si promit sa fiu cuminte.


sâmbătă, ianuarie 27, 2007


this one is quite old. and funny. not true though. just because i love coke.
