joi, noiembrie 30, 2006


insoara-te cu mine. in singuratatea asta care ii sperie pe toti din jur, in privirea cu care te analizez si te pun la pamant, in zambetul asta de copil care te va lovi la prima abatere, te rog, ia-ma de nevasta. vreau sa ma simt si eu implinita. vreau si eu sa inchei hainuta copilulului meu pe strada si el/ea sa imi zambeasca inocent. hai te rog. scoate-ma din mizeria mea... dar, ma intreb, tu te mariti sau eu ma insor ?



Chrismas sale.
Centenary cake for an architect.

No more sex ... and the city.

Etichete: ,

pain killer

Agency: McCann Erickson, Bucharest
Creative Director: Adrian Botan
Art Director: Emil Comsea
Copywriter: Tudor Pascanu

Etichete: ,

children and abuse

Children see. children do. Australia’s National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect si DDB ne spun ca imitatia e mama invataturii - de bine sau de rau.


fashion victim

Agency: JWT

Creative Director: Pietro Maestri

Copywriter: Alex Brunori

Art Director: Fabio Anzani

Etichete: ,


Ultimele recomandari ale specialistilor in resurse umane in ceea ce priveste interpretarea CV-urilor:

Good Communication Skills - sta mult pe telefon
Average Employee - nu prea destept
Exceptionally Well Qualified - nu a facut gafe majore. inca!
Active Socially - bea mult
Family Is Active Socially - si sotia bea
Independent Worker - nimeni nu stie ce face
Quick Thinking - ofera scuze plauzibile
Careful Thinker - nu ia deciziiAggressive - dezagreabil
Uses Logic On Difficult Jobs - paseaza munca altcuiva
Expresses Themselves Well - vorbeste engleza
Has Leadership Qualities - este inalt sau are voce puternica
Exceptionally Good Judgement - norocos
Keen Sense Of Humor - stie multe bancuri murdare
Career Minded - injunghie pe la spate
Loyal - nu gaseste alta slujba


stop the cruelty

Chinurile de zi cu zi ale materialelor sunt prezentate dintr-o perspectiva umana: abuz, cruzime, umilire. dar iata acum exista ceva care te ajuta sa eviti astfel de tratamente/comportamente: fabricare.


aspira tot

Credits: BBDO, Germany

uite-o, nu e!

Comes out this fast

"Pata" e asezata la ceva distanta de panou asa ca, trecand in viteza pe langa, iluzia vizuala creata e perfecta. pata a disparut.

Etichete: ,

miercuri, noiembrie 29, 2006

what next?

look closely at the images above. make them bigger. yes those are bugs. and yes this is outdoor advertising. the flyer's are originally empty but as the creepy - crawlers that surround us get stuck to them the brand reveals itself. sick, twisted people these creatives.


PR for drug lords

pana si traficantii au nevoie de publicitate. caci iata un clan mexican a simtit nevoia sa declare ca este de partea buna a lucrurilor. au cumparat spatiu intr-un ziar local si si-au explicat - atent indrumati de Pr-ul lor - actiunile si atitudinea fata de droguri. pana acum competitia nu a raspuns provocarii in cuvinte.



Agency: Bray Leino

Creative Director: Richard Kramer

Copywriter: Morgan Cummins

Art Director: Andy Purnell


for the sick gums


marți, noiembrie 28, 2006

breast mammogram

Preventing Breast Cancer Is Not In Your Hands. Early Detection Is.

Copy: keep your twin assets happy

With Cancer, one loses more than just a breast. Examine yourself.

Don’t let breast cancer eclipse your life. Examine yourself today.


doar un plaman

Art Director: Shoeb Shaikh & Zahid Shaikh
Copywriter: Shoeb Shaikh
Agency: Touchstone


ad litteram


vise, visuri cine are banii....

Brand/product advertised: Cruise Ship Centers

Advert title: Dreams

Agency name: Grey Northwest

Creative Director: Craig Redmond

Art director: David Wong

Copywriter: Craig Redmond


boala mea, cutitele

outdoor pentru un producator de cutite. there is no such thing as a boring product.


sugar rush

Headline: It is estimated that one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes. While its causes are related to genetics, obesity and inactivity, its effects are most disturbing. Diabetes can lead to strokes, amputations and even .... (blurry text)

Copy: Once you understand the effects of diabetes, you may want to learn the causes.


de puta madre devine...

Daspu (das putas) , va sa zica e un nou brand creat pentru a sensibiliza. urma sa spun pe cine, dar nu-mi vine nici o idee. cea mai veche meserie din lume (bine si ce daca sunt creativ, uneori si ce e de lemn e bun) a ajund in situatia de a-si face reclama. criza economica, se sfarseste lumesa de revelionul asta sau ce?

rule the jungle



ma uit la print-ul asta si ma gandesc automat la Noul slogan Fan Curier: "Oricui, cu placere!". or something along these lines. sa nu zambesti in fiecare zi?


colonelul puilor

alte idei nastrusnice.
hainele noi ale colonelului sunt ceva mai atragatoare, dau o senzatie de tinerete si prospetime. sau asa le vad eu.

oricum orice ecxperienta KFC este, pentru mine, un Kinder cu surprize. n-am avut sansa de a gasi in pachetul pentru acasa ceea ce am comandat nici macar o data. asa cat sa vad ca se poate.


director de cuentas

dis de dimineata am fost felicitata pentru una din propunerile mele - care nu a fost acceptata de client. acum nu stiu daca persoana in cauza - a carei propunere a fost acceptata - incearca sa joace the role of a good sport sau i s-a facut teama ca ma voi timora excesiv si nu voi mai avea curajul sa vorbesc ever. in primul caz nu e nevoie sa joace roluri, mine was better - i know iar in al doilea caz - sa crezi tu, i'll be back better and improved, nu ca sa confirm sau infirm asteptari ci pentru ca asa vreau eu.


substance abuse

mi s-au parut haioase pentru ca o campanie pro-zahar nu ar fi o idee atat de rea. si pentru ca toata lumea casca ochii in cana mea de ness cu 4 linguri de zahat. so what, is it a crime?


luni, noiembrie 27, 2006

silentio stampa

if you want to kiss the sky, you'd better learn how to kneel. pentru cei care nu inteleg ce vrea sa spuna U2 ma explic: nu exista the easy way to ... pentru nimic. dragoste, cariera - in fiecare ai parte de obstacole pe care alegi sa incerci sa le depasesti sau nu. pus in situatia de a decide unde innoptezi poti sa alegi sa stai sau poti sa decizi ca ceea ce ar urma nu e pentru tine.
another thrilling day on the fields of advertising for me.


vineri, noiembrie 24, 2006

colonelul puilor

haine noi pentru colonel
s-a rebrandat KFC. la noi inca nu au ajuns materialele noi in schimb continua o chestie pe care nu numai eu am obsevat-o. daca intamplator vrei ceva de mancare la pachet sigur acasa vei ajunge cu orice altceva decat ai cerut. mici balbe dupa modelul de balbe mari al americanilor.


suicide helpline

volunteers needed



publicitate comparativa. fara alti detergenti.


respect it

guilty of the crime of disrespect i have been charged.... to do some other boring shit and to find out more about "reguli de compozitie".

De ce va certati mereu? Ca tu sa cresti drept... - a nice quote from the book i am reading.
speaking about books i found myself wondering if there are any creatures of the subway (intunegrii) in our subway. last evening aroud ten i was on my way home. the subway seemed deserted and in victoriei station one of the doors leading inside somewhere was open....that meant either that they were out either that they cold jump in at any moment. do you remember, when as a kid, you used to scare yourself by recreating images from horror movies. that is how i felt. and the subway just wasn't comming. i need to sleep more. thank god for the two day holiday.
the purpose of this image and text association was to remind myself that things you choose to disrespect tend to get eaven (people or objects) and to impose the respect they consider deserved.


joi, noiembrie 23, 2006


Product: National Geographic Kids Magazine
Advertising Agency, City: FOX P2
Country: South Africa
Creative Director: Andrew Whitehouse/Justin Gomes/Noel Cottrell
Copywriter: Justin Gomes
Art Director: Andrew Whitehouse


are we there yet?

national geografic for kids via marketing thoughts .
i liked it so much simply because i think i do that all the time. and if i stop myself from doing it i'll be dead silent the whole road, so.....



leana_din_vale has joined the conference
