Etichete: adolescentin, teleleu
miercuri, ianuarie 30, 2008
have you ever played that game where someone bends your arm behind your back harder and harder until you say uncle? if you say it they have all the power, so you suck it up and shut up. this is - i know - pathetic and yet i am playing. i am at the height of my game because i usually refuse to say uncle just because that is the way i am. i hold the power without even knowing. now i do know and i'm not saying a word. you can throw a bunch of olive branches in the game, a white flag the answer is still silence. you will say uncle because at the end of the day you need me more. and you should know it.
luni, ianuarie 28, 2008
at my exam yesterday, i was confronted with a simple question: acting as a teacher what would you have done in my position? those who know one or two things about Romanian education know that asking your students for opinions on the quality of the courses is a rare event. more so is a teacher asking for pointers from students.
as i was furious for spending my whole day sitting around like an idiot instead of doing me stuff i refused to spend 10 more minutes to complete the questionnaire. then on my way home i started thinking about what would happen if i had it my way. oh, if i had it my way i wouldn't have taken the course. if i had it my way i would get smarter just by looking at the gazillion books i should (have) read. if i had it way way they would actually make sense.
generally, if i had it my way snow would never get dirty, the people i care about would never get, hurt, the subway wouldn't smell. you know little things that, if i had it my way, wouldn't be so small. if i had it my way i wouldn't be the other person one uses to get over pains, because as the scars heal the other person without even wanting it, does nothing but remind one's past.
as i was furious for spending my whole day sitting around like an idiot instead of doing me stuff i refused to spend 10 more minutes to complete the questionnaire. then on my way home i started thinking about what would happen if i had it my way. oh, if i had it my way i wouldn't have taken the course. if i had it my way i would get smarter just by looking at the gazillion books i should (have) read. if i had it way way they would actually make sense.
generally, if i had it my way snow would never get dirty, the people i care about would never get, hurt, the subway wouldn't smell. you know little things that, if i had it my way, wouldn't be so small. if i had it my way i wouldn't be the other person one uses to get over pains, because as the scars heal the other person without even wanting it, does nothing but remind one's past.
Etichete: teleleu
sâmbătă, ianuarie 26, 2008
am avut asa o saptamana minunata. nu ca s-ar fi petrecut ceva extraordinar. it was just good - bruce almighty goooood!
duminica m-am simtit cool, ascultator de muzici rare in green.
miercuri am fost sarcastica si impotriva orice cu ada milea. joi am fost boema si altfel la kumm. vineri m-am simtit ca un adolescent cu ceva gusturi muzicale la vita de vie. banuiesc ca unul din avantajele lui nu stiu cine sunt e ca pot fi oricine vreau sa fiu in momentul cu pricina.
singura problema nerezolvata e puiul pe care l-am cumparat din carrefour. un pui intreg, prajit doar pentru mine.
revin. in sera asta, in sera asta nu stiu cine sunt asa ca mergem la grimus. mergem sa ascultam si sa barfim. in orice ordine se nimereste.
Etichete: teleleu
vineri, ianuarie 25, 2008
Agency: BDDP & Fils
Creative Director: Guillaume Chifflot
Art Director: Fabien Nunez
Copywriter: Fabien Duval
Etichete: print
miercuri, ianuarie 23, 2008
Agency: Duval Guillaume
Creative Directors: Peter Ampe, Katrien Bottez
Art Director/ Copywriter: Robin Stam
take the time to read the copy. it is hilarious. with spelling mistakes and all.
Etichete: print
marți, ianuarie 22, 2008
luni, ianuarie 21, 2008
rap ta-ra-rum, rap-ta-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, rap ta-ra-rum
rap ta-ra-rum, rap-ta-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, rap ta-ra-rum
rap ta-ra-rum, rap-ta-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, rap ta-ra-rum
rap ta-ra-rum, rap-ta-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, rap ta-ra-rum
rap ta-ra-rum, rap-ta-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, da-ra-ra-rum, rap ta-ra-rum
Etichete: teleleu
Agency: Euro RSCG Bucharest
Creative Director: Dejan Stajnberger
Art Director: Matija Vujovic
Designer: Arnaud Ducharne
Etichete: advertising in Ro, print
Agency: Cohn&Jansen
Creative Director: Andrei Cohn
Art Director: Alex Stanciu
Group Creative Director/ Copywriter: Catalin Rusu
Photographer: Carioca
Etichete: advertising in Ro, print
Agency: Publicis
Creative Director: Razvan Capanescu
Art Director: Bogdan Nestor
Copywriter: Mihai Ion
Photographer: Cosmin Gogu
foarte putine printuri fara prezenta umana reusesc sa fie placute. foarte putine idei reusesc sa fie impresionante fara sa iti tipe in fata. doi in unu.
Etichete: advertising in Ro, print
m-am trezit de dimineata si mi-am dorit sa nu pleci.
Etichete: teleleu
duminică, ianuarie 20, 2008
vineri, ianuarie 18, 2008
so i have this decision to make. am ascultat, am comparat, am presupus, am reverificat. o data, de doua ori, de trei ori. am cerut parerea. am mai calculat, am mai comparat. mi-am lasat si ceva timp sa ma gandesc. cred ca m-am si decis. mai era totusi ceva. in cantar mai trageau greu gandul unei jucarii noi, al unei provocari atragatoare si inspaimantatoare. o schimbare care ma sperie devine instant o provocare and i can take a challenge.
pana aici totul e bine? in decision making mode am pornit sa cumpar ceva pentru sufletelul meu si sa vad un film. albastruinchisaproapenegru. m-am relaxat, am ras ce-am ras si m-a lovit finalul. am stiut. la fel ca o idee care incepe sa-ti palpite in creier. in this case i have the right answer. now i can sleep. really sleep.
Etichete: teleleu
joi, ianuarie 17, 2008
today i came to work following a trail of blood. pe principiul decesului animalului de dincolo de gard, m-am bucurat sincer ca mai e cineva care sufera la fel de mult ca mine cand e vorba de combinatia dimineata-munca. cand i-am povestit artului m-a intrebat sugubat daca sunt singura ca urma e proaspata. poate era de aseara cand cineva s-a decis sa-si roada laba piciorului ca sa plece mai repede de la munca.
Etichete: teleleu
miercuri, ianuarie 16, 2008
if i am wrong then i am right.
Etichete: teleleu
Copy: The world is in your hands. Treat it well. Merry Christmas from Toyota.
Agency: Saatchi&Saatchi
Creative Director: Nick Hine
Art Director: Daniela Nedelschi
Copywriter: Jorg Riommi
Illustrator: Ana Lemnaru
Etichete: advertising in Ro
marți, ianuarie 15, 2008
v-am povestit despre mihaela. v-am povestit dar nu crez ca ne-am inteles. oricum aseara m-am vazut cu mihaela care mi-a povestit cum a fost ea la radio guerrila, duminica seara, la petrecerea cu coliva. razboiul sfarsitului saptamanii parties in style. asta ar fi trebuit sa facem impreuna - dar eu eram acasa si faceam sarmale. am regretat si mi-am inecat amarul in celebra ciorba de fasole cu costita si ceapa de la carul cu bere. bine, am si ras putin ca mihaela chiar stie sa povesteasca. ma intreb, daca scrie cineva despre tine sughiti?
la desert, am avut parte si de o surpriza - ca doar era ziua mea :D (ai, ce rusine!) galustele cu castane au venit insotite de o buburuza geniala (e un fel de incrucisare de buburuza cu pinguin, cu ochii si zambetul lui betty boop - adica m-a atins fix in sufletelul meu mic si straniu), venita de la roma si de promisiunea ca ne ducem si noi la un concert cand le piere din gat sarmaua menestrelilor.
acum io trebuie sa merg sa cumpar o carte plus o cutie de creioane colorate, sa fac ceva treaba, sa merg la curs si sa exist in general. toate astea pana imi trece senzatia ca m-am intors in viata altcuiva si ca viata asta a altcuiva se desfasoara cu sau fara mine cam la fel.
due to lack of interest tomorrow is cancelled. ca sa nu mai zic ca mi-a intrat la apa pulovarul meu de iarna, total chiristmasy, cu fulgi de nea si ornamente cu tot.
Etichete: none of your business, teleleu
vineri, ianuarie 11, 2008
last day in london i felt like the meat you use in a meat soup. absolutely necessary for the soup's taste but in the end used for something else. i was the meat in a good nutritious soup created to make you get better. hug me, kiss me, love me - make me feel better then disappear, be consumed by something else.
later this evening i felt like a juicy piece of meat. i could see eyes getting bigger an bigger, sweaty hands grabbing - don't let that piece of meat get away! we'll turn every particle of it in goodies just for the pack. corner it, put it with the back to the wall and squeeze every last drop.
this piece of meat says fuck you! this piece of meat is not for your random use. this piece of meat has made its peace with its unfortunate situation, but it decides its usage conditions and its price. deal with it.
later this evening i felt like a juicy piece of meat. i could see eyes getting bigger an bigger, sweaty hands grabbing - don't let that piece of meat get away! we'll turn every particle of it in goodies just for the pack. corner it, put it with the back to the wall and squeeze every last drop.
this piece of meat says fuck you! this piece of meat is not for your random use. this piece of meat has made its peace with its unfortunate situation, but it decides its usage conditions and its price. deal with it.
Etichete: adolescentin
Copy: For the love of writing.
Agency: The Jupiter Drawing Room
Creative Director: Livio Tronchin
Art Director: Jamie Mietz
Copywriter: Johnathan Commerford
Etichete: print
miercuri, ianuarie 09, 2008
londra in doar cateva fraze:
please mind the gap between the train and the platform edge
seek assistance
for your security and protection CCTV is operating in all underground stations
where are you from?
suficient cat sa te faca la fel de nebun as the poor british people.
azi toata ziua am dormit si am despachetat. imi vin in minte scurte secvente din cele 8 zile de londra. muzee, biserici, cluburi, magazine, mancare, oameni. m-am trezit gandindu-ma ba la expozitia living and dying de la british museum, ba la reducerile incredibile si magazinele monumentale. in continuare o sa mananc cu pofta patratele de after eight si o sa mai visez putin. amsterdam baby!
Etichete: teleleu travelling
luni, ianuarie 07, 2008
lenevesc in bucataria hostelului si ascult un episod din south park. azi am fost la stonehenge si-am umblat aiurea prin camden town - am fost sa papam. am inghetat si e un frig de nu imi vine sa ma intorc in camera - hostelul trei de pe lista e cam trist. am zis ca azi am fost la stonehenge? am gasit reteta perfecta pentru a evita scarba sarbatorilor: craciunul acasa si revelionul oriunde altundeva. i feel the joy. do you?
Etichete: teleleu, teleleu travelling