miercuri, octombrie 31, 2007

giclee - the next best thing

i'm right about there. e acolo o varianta pe care o tii in dulap, just in case. stii totusi ca nu o vei folosi niciodata. chiar si intr-o situatie de criza, esti convins ca va aparea ceva mai bun. dar totusi, esti strangator si rational si precaut, o pastrezi acolo. mai conteaza ca e vie?

asa vreau sa vad eu orasul. probabil ca asta e motivul pentru care imi place sa ma plimb noaptea - e nevoie de mult mai putina munca de convingere a imaginatiei. can't stop a girl from dreaming, can you?
hai sa vibram ^_^
ma urmareste un fragment din melodia postata ieri: "i haven't met that many happy people. how do they act?" and yes, i remember, you really don't want to know what i had for dinner.


marți, octombrie 30, 2007

easy mood

in ultimele doua saptamani nu prea am avut somn. am adormit mereu pe la doua asezand laptopul cu regret langa pat. ma trezeam pe la 4 sa-l opresc - kinda nice sa te trezesti ascultand una din multele favorites din playlist.
aseara m-a lovit un easy mood. am ras prosteste toata ziua, am fost la cursuri la master, am vazut-o pe fata cu tatuaj - stiam eu ca e un master cool - m-am scurs din sala dupa doar o jumatate de ora (culmea nesimtirii m-am ridicat si am iesit), mi-am primit invitatia la nunta (domnisoara de onoare in negru; ma intreb pentru cine tin doliu?), am iesit la o bere intr-un fire trist. same old. doar ca eu ma simteam bine - good for no reason, good ca nu sunt tu si ca ploaia de afara si frigul se loveau de esarfa mea portocalie, just good. am ajuns acasa, m-am demachiat, am mancat cateva alune si am adormit instant. era asa de frumos de dimineata cand m-am trezit. and yes, i know, you don't want to know what i had for dinner.


pentru durerea mea de cap


savvy legs

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gift envy


in all the places


luni, octombrie 29, 2007

oh, noez!

my question is: who is the cake here?


duminică, octombrie 28, 2007

sex, drugs and rock'n'roll

ma gandesc cateodata ca nu m-am nascut in secolul potrivit. visez la o lume in care oamenii cred in ceva mai presus de ei. sa fie religia sau putere, with just a little bit more spice.

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vineri, octombrie 26, 2007



joi, octombrie 25, 2007

fashion victim


spot the dirt

Copy: Just one piece of garbage is not garbage.


be aware

be advised, de carefull. be waht else?


living a dog's life



Copy: Extreme car polish.


eyes wide open

sometimes just not enough to see.


a moon, no stars


a friendly hello

o guma de mestecat cat se poate de prietenoasa.


fresh meat

Copy: Wildlife is waiting for you.
Agency: McCann Erickson
Creative Directors: Adrian Botan, Alexandru Dumitrescu
Art Director: Ionut Cojocaru
Copywriter: Petru Teodorescu
Photographer: Stock/ Ionut Macri
Group Creative Director: Titus Dumitrescu

Etichete: ,

over and under

overstressed, overworked, overbooked and underloved. ceea ce nu va dorim si dumneavoastra.

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miercuri, octombrie 24, 2007

ei si noi

print ro la golden drum
bonus spoturi finaliste la golden drum . care, cu ce ocazie si unde le-a vazut?


you know you love me. XOXO

colectia toamna-iarna: addictions
the merchant of venice with (oh my Gooood, ohh my Goooooodddd) jeremy irons as antonio (aka alex from stealing beauty).

see one and you're hooked. my new, sweet addiction. la capitolul dependente se inscrie si fontul - prevad o schimbare pe blog. must find the books, make an afternoon free and bring back home a good cup of coffee. teenage drama - corruption with a cute overlay, no plot WSE, clothes that fit and shoooeeeezzzzz. totul a inceput cu blonde de milioane and it has been downwards from there. promit ca o sa vad cateva filme romanesti despre perioada comunista, prostitutie si saracie ca (sa-i spunem) penitenta.

pentru seri ploioase dupa un curs plictisitor (colegii au decis s-o numeasca pe noua noastra profesoara, doamna compresoare ^_^), un creative cu probleme (understatement, je sais).

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marți, octombrie 23, 2007


Agency: Starlink Creative Services
Awards: Shortlist Silver Drum
Creative Director: Stefan Voloaca
Art Director: Catalin Burcea
Copywriter: Andrei Gurau
Photographer/Illustrator: Catalin Burcea

Etichete: ,

life goes on

Shortlist Golden Drum Grand Prix
Creative Director:Adrian Botan & Alexandru Dumitrescu
Art Director: Andrei Tripsa
Copywriter: Constantin Milu
Photographer/Illustrator: Gabi Hirit

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