Bent backwards
10 Commandments of Customer Service.
1.Thou shalt always serve with a smile.
Read your job title properly: Customer Service. So, technically, you’re there to serve customers, not scowl at them. Understand your vocation in life now? Good. Now put those sour plums away – nobody gives a shit about your having a bad day, anyway.
2.Thou shalt always look thy customers in the eye.
Talk to the customer - not to the floor, the counter, or their chest. Unless, of course, you’re genuinely cross-eyed.
3.Thou shalt never forget to say "Thank You"
Despite your sullen face and your rotten attitude, they still choose to buy from you instead of a nicer-looking, more pleasant competitor. They have just given the management another justification for letting you keep your little job. It’s the least you could do.
4.Thou shalt never stalk thy customers.
They’re your customers, not criminals. Give them some space to breathe while they browse through the stuff. Don’t make them take that restraining order against you.
5.Thou shalt never patronise thy customers.
Step down from your high horses. After all, they’re the ones who are really paying your salary.
6.Thou shalt treat all customers equally.
That good-looking Ang Moh in the sharp Armani suit is no different than that Ah Pek in the holey-Pagoda-t-shirt-and-slippers ensemble. 9 times out of 10, the Ah Pek has more buying power than the Ang Moh.
7.Thou shalt always hand back the change properly.
Remember, customers are not beggars. Unless they have a severe case of leprosy, take extra care to ensure that the change ends up in their hands in the sweetest way possible.
8.Thou shalt never con thy customers.
Customers usually have the ability to smell bullshit from miles away, especially if it’s terribly crap. Most of the time, they’re not as stupid as you look.
9.Thou shalt never keep your customers waiting.
You’re paid to serve the customers, which includes waiting upon them, not the other way around. Look up the word serve if you’re still not too sure what it means.
10.Thou shalt never ignore thy customers.
If you can see them, serve them. Like, today. Every person who walks into the store is a potential sale, which could translate into a bigger bonus, a fatter increment and the reason you still have a job here. So start charming that dosh out of their pockets right away.
Am preluat o parte din aceste porunci de pe net, restul le-am invatat, pe pielea mea de student ajuns la munca de jos in State. Sunt intr-adevar crude cand e vorba de persoana who is in client service dar fac diferenta.
Cred ca daca am sanctiona orice comportament care incalca aceste reguli nu am mai avea zile stricate din cauza unor "vanzatori serviabili". Ce ziceti oferim cate o copie a acestui manifest tuturor "morocanosilor/ nu tinem/ nu doriti o guma rest?/ te omor daca in urmatoarele 10 secunde nu te hotarasti!!!!????