miercuri, decembrie 20, 2006

down by the sea

love them.


used cars

Hundreds of drivers won't be needing their cars any more. Drive safe.

Client: The Evening Post
Brief: To highlight the need for driving safely
Copywriter: Leela Alvares
Art Director: Manas Nanda

dog racing

Agency: Blattner Brunner
Client: Greyhound Protection League
Art Director: Shawn Smith
Copywriter: Kevin Corfield



Agency: Draft FCB
Creative Director: Bernd Bender-Asbeck
Art Director: Mark Freiboth
Copywriter: Arne König


The sorcovers

today sucks big time. the music, the bells, the restaurant, the dam mother fucker ... se pare ca toata lumea considera ca stie ce e mai bine pentru mine si mai nou de sarbatori primesc cadou o lipeala. m-am trezit cu minunea la birou, sa-mi stea ceaiul in gat. how stupid can U be? I just want to sleep. stay out of my way. and if you are a cat shit inside your box.

later edit: the funniest Christmas card.

marți, decembrie 19, 2006


A book will never let you down.
no internal errors and no bad connections. just U and the letters.

bad turns to worse

Agency: DDB/Amsterdam

another story from an insurance company. it is so ... possible (it talks about those days that just can't get any way but ... worse).


It can be very unkind. The new Impreza.

Agency: Göttsche
Creative Director: Michael Göttsche
Art Director: Cristiano Guerra
Copywriter: Giuseppe Pavone
Post Production: Pixelway


the slob evolution

slob . because we live in a world where nothing can not be laughed or minimised. it's all a big joke.

Dept. of Humor Analysis

Please draw a line from the pigeon to a young lady.


Racism. The more you apply the uglier you get.


another winner

Multiple sclerosis interrupts the nerve tracts. This can lead to paralysis, speech impairments and loss of sight. This can lead to incontinence, impotence and paralysis.
Creative Director: Daniel Comte
Copywriter: Martin Stulz
Art Director: Nicolas Vontobel



We hear the difference.



girls love it.

it's extra fast so you need to be cautious when you cross the street.

it turns the competition into meat.

Welcome to Sant' Agata Bolognese. Home of the Lamborghini.

Agency: Philipp und Keuntje
Copywriter: Oliver Ramm
Creative Director: Johannes Hofmann


Epica Gold

We think about the things that you don't want to. Achmea cares.

Agency: DDB Amsterdam
Creative Director: Martin Cornelissen
Copywriter: Marcel de Jonge
Art Director: Martin Cornelissen
Photographer: Jaap Vliegenthart
skepsis -ul e ca reclama se intinde pe mai multe pagini din intreaga revista. situatiile la care nu vrei sa te gandesti sunt intr-adevar exagerate dar ... who cares.


It's our TIME

it is out. they have all discovered the truth (the guys from time magazine). the man of the year is ... well, any person with a blog? yap, we the ones who chose to write a post instead of watching iarta-ma. it seems we are and own the future. we are the revolution.
well according to what they say there is a great many of us.
now, how will I be special?


simply evil

the pizza guy is here.
no, he's not....hmmm, strange...
the pizza guy is here. where the fuck did he go? is he running away from me. where are U? come here, little pizza guy, come here....


un streang, o vesta

obesity is suicide.

Agency: Blattner Brunner
Client: The Northern Bariatric Surgery Institute
Art Director: Brandon Knowlden, Doug Dean
Copywriter: Ray Pekich

ok. so this one is mean. mai ales ca vin sarbatorile inbuibarii.


fruits with a straw

The best of fruits.

Agency: Garnier BBDO
Creative Director: Javier Mora, Pablo Chavez
Art Director: Jorge Pomareda
Copywriter: Javier Mora, Pablo Chaves


Levi's mermaid

Brand: Levi Strauss/Levi's Lady Style
Agency: Bates
Creative Director: Ajay Thrivikraman
Art Director: Johannis McDonald
Copywriter: Johannis McDonald
Illustrator: Edwin Tang
the new modern story of the mermaid does involve growing of legs and love .... bur cuts out the prince. Levi's jeans are now the object of desire.


Che was a communist wasn't he?

53% dintre romani considera comunismul o idee buna. formularea intrebarii nu lasa nici o urma de dubiu. o idee - adica in teorie, in principiu nu ca stare de fapt, forma de conducere. aceasta definitie a comunismului te face sa crezi ca cei 53% dintre romani au dreptate. pe de alta parte o alta fata a comunismului, cea pe care am cunoscut-o, nu mai pare a fi o idee atat de buna.
ma intreb daca aceast consimtamant al majoritatii romanilor nu e decat rezultatul unei ciudate forme de ipocrizie care ne caracterizeaza. vrem sa parem impartiali si capabili de analiza rece, indiferenta. sper sa fie asta. in caz contrar suntem un popor cu o memorie mai scurta decat a unui peste.
che guevara poster boy for communist insurrection
this is it for this morning. had a horrible start of a day. noroc cu seara de ieri. am stat pana noaptea tarziu si am ascultat teatru radiofonic: Domnisoara Anastasia de G.M. Zamfirescu. a nice evening indeed. parca a si meritat dimineata tuciurie.
counting the days. sunt plictisita si obosita. n-am chef de cumparaturile de sezon.
ieri am dichisit sediul cu tot felul de minunatii. cam de una singura si fara dispozitia necesara. oricum deja am mai impodobit un brad pentru reclama electrica. the fun is gone.
maine iesim la un restaurant libanez in grup organizat (de firma) si joi avem petrecerea de sfarsit de an in ploiesti. have to shop again for stuff to wear. which part of the word boring should i start with?


luni, decembrie 18, 2006

stupid Americans

will it blend? stupid Americans.


feed the children

"You can feed a child for two days with what you spend renting this cart. Help"
ok. pentru a inchiria cart-ul respectiv trebuie sa platesti. bancul e ca in loc sa introduci moneda respectiva intr-o cutie oarecare, ti se pune in fata chipul unui copil pe care simbolic il hranesti cu bani.
i hate this type of shitty, responsibility relieving crap. transforma orice tara care are intr-adevar nevoie de ajutor intr-o mana intinsa inspre occidentul bogat si milos. pozitie umilitoare si absolut lipsita de necesitate.
la care se adauga o chestie nicuta numita delegarea responsabilitatii. omul care va dona cei 2 bani va spune ca a facut ceea ce trebuie (mai ales ca asta i se cere). contributia lui este completa si monumentala. gata putem sa stam linistiti. nu mai e nimic de facut, sa ne bagam deci mana in bracinar si sa bem o bere.
today i don't feel fluffy. daca advertising-ul vrea sa fie social (ceea ce prin definitie nu e) cred ca e cazul sa mai mediteze. poate ii vine o idee mai buna.

Etichete: ,


sanexskin ne arata intr-un mod neobisnuit ca skincare nu inseamna doar femei care se maseaza languros, cutii minuscule insotite de liniute de ridicat fata si caini plini de pliuri.


MTV Christmas

“Instead of producing the usual cheesy Christmas stuff you see on TV at this time of the year, MTV wanted to create something relevant to their audience – something you don’t normally associate with Christmas. So out went Santa and in came throwies.”
chestiile alea fosforescente sunt se pare o noua forma de graffiti.

Client: MTV Networks Australia MTV
Creative Director: Vanessa Zuppicich
Agency: Lowe Hunt

duminică, decembrie 17, 2006

Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

"He is my neighbor Nushuktan Tulyiagby. He is pain in my assholes. I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success!"
chiar nu stiam daca va merita cele doua ore regulamentare. combina comportamentul de sef de trib teleporat in New York cu o interpretare ad litteram a unor expresii prea lejere. si uneori e amuzant.
imi place atitudinea americanilor, indiferenta si politicoasa. daca oamenii au ceva de vandut isi lauda marfa fara sa dea cea mai mica atentie comentariilor stupide sau jignitoare. daca vor sa pozeze in oameni de bine, borat le da ceva de lucru (5 tips to becoming a real gentleman e criminal).
sunt si niste stereotipuri si clisee pe acolo.pacat ca cine le vede intelege despre ce e vorba cine traieste in ele spune ca e o porcarie si inchide calculatorul. sau poate chiar crede ca europenii - sau orice ale natie din afara continentului binecuvantat - sunt asa cum ne arata borat. incredibil de prosti si neadaptati. so, what is the use? -besides fun that is?
imi aduc aminte ca in liceu au venit intr-un program de schimb de experienta niste liceeni din Suedia. profesorii care i-au insotit au intrebat politicos daca e nevoie sa aduca paturi cu ei. profesorul nostru amuzat le-a raspuns ca am coborat deja din copaci si ca de ceva vreme nu mai dormim pe rogojini. si noua ni s-a parut amuzant dar ei cred ca au luat - pentru orice evenualitate - o patura in bagaje.

Etichete: ,

sâmbătă, decembrie 16, 2006


the lights. I know.

the married brain.

pauza de tigara. la un moment dat erau 11 oameni in camera. don't ask me why.

my personal favourite character of the day. made me feel like crap with a smile on.


le premier

e clar ca trebuia sa am camera la mine, nu? am fost pe undeva pe langa pitesti iar doamna draguta este proprietara casei in care am filmat. iar acel catel imens e un dulcik. (I know I can).
the very beautiful (and young) mother in the spot with alex, one very sweet baby boy (care nu a plans decat la filmari). alex kicks ass.

tata care din nefericire nu este un actor foarte .... activ.

all the children. yap cam multi. mai greu au fost de convins sa coboare pe scara in acelasi timp. noroc cu regizorul (who by the way did not enjoy it - the making of of the video or the pietter patter of little children).


vineri, decembrie 15, 2006


Woody Allen DVD collection.
Agency: BBDO
Creative Director: Nuno Jerónimo
Copywriter: Hellington Vieira
Art Director: André Moreira/Juliano
